The Indian Railways is one of the largest railway networks in the world, offering numerous job opportunities through exams conducted by Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB). Candidates preparing for railway exams need a reliable Indian Railway Question Bank with Answers PDF to enhance their preparation.
In this article, we provide a comprehensive Indian Railway Question Bank with answers, covering key topics and offering downloadable PDFs in both English and Hindi.
Why Use an Indian Railway Question Bank?
A question bank helps aspirants practice previous years’ questions, understand exam patterns, and improve time management. Key benefits include:
✅ Topic-wise questions for easy revision.
✅ Answers with explanations for better understanding.
✅ Updated syllabus coverage for RRB exams.
✅ Available in Hindi & English for diverse candidates.
Question Bank Related to Block Working & Accident Manual
1. Write short notes on the following:
i) Bell codes
ii) Train Signal Register
iii) BPAC
iv) FVT and LVT
2. Write short notes on the following:
i) Train passed without Tail Board / Tail lamp
ii) Run away Train
iii) Stop and examine Train
iv) Token lost
v) Signalling train through Control Telephone.
3. What are the occasions the Token Block Instruments shall be treated as defective ?
4. What are the occasions Diados Handle Type and Kyosam / Podanur Push butto Tokenless Block Instruments shall be suspended ?
5. What are the occasions under which the SGE Block Instrument shall be treated as defective ?
6. Write short notes on the following:
i) Precaution before asking and granting line clear
ii) Authority to proceed
iii) Private number sheet
iv) Trains unusually delayed in Block section
v) Balancing of Tokens
7. What are the rules to be followed in case of Paper Line Clear Ticket Working ?
8. What is the procedure for cancellation of line clear in case of the following:-
i) Neals Ball TokenInstrument
ii) Handle Type Tokenless Block Instrument
iii) Kyosan / Podanur make Push Button Tokenless Block Instruments.
iv) S.G.E Lock and Block Instrument.
9.Write short notes on the following:
i)Train passed without tail board or tail-lamp
ii)Train pushing back
iii) Means of communication
iv) PLCT working
10. Write the Procedure for signalling trains between X and Y stations through control Telephone.
11. State in detail the indoor apparatus (signalling equipment ) as a means of securing safety.
1. What are the objectives to be achieved while dealing with a train accident ?
What are the duties of Accident Manager in the disaster management ?
2. What are main classifications and sub classifications of accidents?
3. What is the procedure to be followed in the following cases ?
i) Sabotage on track
ii) Accident to a POL rake within station limits.
4. What is the procedure to be followed in case of dealing with a fire accident ?
5. Write short notes on the following :
i) MRT and ART and long range siren codes.
ii) Serious accident and threshold value
iii) Targets for completion of accident enquiries
iv) Guidelines for reporting accident cases to Railway Board on Telephone
v) ART and MRT locations on S.C.Railway
6. What are the various types of enquires into train accident ? Explain the rules and procedure.
7. Describe the organizational set up of CRS. What are the functions of CRS ?
8. Write short note on the following:
i) Clearing of locos and rolling stock involved in accidents
ii) Ex-gratia and compensation payments
iii) Action to be taken when a passenger has fallen down from a running train and got killed.
iv) Levels of enquiry
9. What is the liability of the Railway Administration for death and injury topassengers due to Train Accident and the interim relief by RailwayAdministration?
10. Define serious accident State the procedure of CRS enquiry into a train accident.
11. Explain the role of communications in Disaster Management, for quick relief and restoration
Question Paper & Answer – Sr. Publicity Inspector in L 6 Exam Date 06.01.2025

Question Paper & Answer of Sr. Clerk Exam Date 7.12.2024 #indian_railway

Indian Railway Question Bank with Answers PDF Download
Candidates preparing for RRB NTPC, Group D, ALP, JE, and other railway exams can access free Indian Railway Question Bank with Answers PDFs below.
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Indian Railway General Awareness Question Bank | Download PDF |
Indian Railway Mathematics Question Bank | Download PDF |
Indian Railway Reasoning Question Bank | Download PDF |
Indian Railway Science & Technology Question Bank | Download PDF |
Note: Click on the links to download the free PDFs.
Indian Railway Question Bank with Answers PDF in Hindi
For Hindi medium aspirants, we provide the Indian Railway Question Bank with Answers PDF in Hindi for better understanding. These PDFs include:
General Knowledge Related Question & Answer of Technician-III (AC) Electrical (G) Department Exam Date 20.12.2024
Q 1.. इनमें से कौन सा नवीनीकरणीय ऊर्जा का प्रकार है?
a) कोयला
b) सौर
c) प्राकृतिक गैस
d) तेल
Which of these is a type of renewable energy?
a) Coal
b) Solar
c) Natural Gas
d) Oil
Q 2. इनमें से कौन सा ठोस का उदाहरण है?
a) पानी
b) हवा
c) बर्फ
d) भाप
Which of these is an example of a solid?
a) Water
b) Air
c) Ice
d) Steam
Q 3. मानव शरीर में सफेद रक्त कणिकाओं का मुख्य कार्य क्या है?
a) ऑक्सीजन ले जाना
b) संक्रमण से लड़ना
c) भोजन पचाना
d) हार्मोन उत्पादन करना
What is the main function of the white blood cells in the human body?
a) Carry oxygen
b) Fight infections
c) Digest food
d) Produce hormones
Q 4. “USB” का पूरा रूप क्या है?
a) यूनिवर्सल सीरियल बस
b) यूनिवर्सल सिस्टम बस
c) यूजर सीरियल बस
d) यूनिफाइड स्टोरेज बस
What does “USB” stand for in technology?
a) Universal Serial Bus
b) Universal System Bus
c) User Serial Bus
d) Unified Storage Bus
Q 5. तापमान मापने के लिए कौन सा उपकरण उपयोग किया जाता है?
a) बैरोमीटर
b) थर्मामीटर
c) स्पीडोमीटर
d) ओडोमीटर
Which device is used to measure temperature?
a) Barometer
b) Thermometer
c) Speedometer
d) Odometer
Q 6. “HTML” का पूरा रूप क्या है?
a) हाइपरटेक्स्ट मार्कअप लैंग्वेज
b) हाइपरटेक्स्ट मशीन लैंग्वेज
c) हाईटेक्स्ट मार्कअप लैंग्वेज
d) हाइपर टूल मार्कअप लैंग्वेज
What does “HTML” stand for in web development?
a) HyperText Markup Language
b) HyperText Machine Language
c) HighText Markup Language
d) Hyper Tool Markup Language
Q 7. कौन सा ग्रह “लाल ग्रह” के नाम से जाना जाता है?
a) मंगल
b) शुक्र
c) पृथ्वी
d) बृहस्पति
Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
a) Mars
b) Venus
c) Earth
d) Jupiter
Q 8. पौधे वायुमंडल से किस गैस को अवशोषित करते हैं जो प्रकाश संश्लेषण के लिए आवश्यक है?
a) ऑक्सीजन
b) नाइट्रोजन
c) कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड
d) हाइड्रोजन
Which gas do plants absorb from the air for photosynthesis?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Hydrogen
Q 9. वेब पते में “www” का क्या मतलब है?
a) वर्ल्ड वाइड वेब
b) वेब वर्ल्ड वाइड
c) वाइड वर्ल्ड वेब
d) वेब वर्ल्ड वायर
What does the “www” stand for in a web address?
a) World Wide Web
b) Web World Wide
c) Wide World Web
d) Web World Wire
Q 10. पृथ्वी के वायुमंडल का मुख्य घटक कौन सा है?
a) ऑक्सीजन
b) नाइट्रोजन
c) कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड
d) हीलियम
What is the main component of the Earth’s atmosphere?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Helium
Q 11. मानव शरीर का कौन सा भाग रक्त पंप करने का कार्य करता है?
a) मस्तिष्क
b) पेट
c) हृदय
d) फेफड़े
Which part of the human body is responsible for pumping blood?
a) Brain
b) Stomach
c) Heart
d) Lungs
Q 12. पृथ्वी के लिए प्राथमिक ऊर्जा स्रोत क्या है?
a) चंद्रमा
b) सूर्य
c) हवा
d) पानी
What is the primary source of energy for the Earth?
a) The Moon
b) The Sun
c) Wind
d) Water
Q 13. पृथ्वी पर सबसे कठोर प्राकृतिक पदार्थ कौन सा है?
a) सोना
b) हीरा
c) लोहा
d) प्लेटिनम
What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
a) Gold
b) Diamond
c) Iron
d) Platinum
Q 14. “Wi-Fi” का पूरा रूप क्या है?
a) वायरलेस फिडेलिटी
b) वायरलेस फंक्शन
c) वाइड फिडेलिटी
d) वाइड फ्रीक्वेंसी
What does “Wi-Fi” stand for?
a) Wireless Fidelity
b) Wireless Function
c) Wide Fidelity
d) Wide Frequency
Q15. कौन सी तकनीकी कंपनी ने हाल ही में बाहरी उपकरणों को सोच द्वारा नियंत्रित करने के लिए एक पूर्ण कार्यात्मक मस्तिष्क कंप्यूटर इंटरफ़ेस डिवाइस प्रस्तुत किया?
a) टेस्ला
b) न्यूरालिंक
c) एप्पल
d) मेटा
Which tech company recently unveiled a fully functional brain-computer interface device for controlling external devices by thought?
a) Tesla
b) Neuralink
c) Apple
d) Meta
Q 16. किस कंपनी ने हाल ही में 1,000 से अधिक क्विबिट्स वाले दुनिया के पहले क्वांटम कंप्यूटर को लॉन्च किया?
a) IBM
b) गूगल
c) माइक्रोसॉफ्ट
d) होनिवेल
Which company recently launched the world’s first quantum computer with more than 1,000
a) IBM
b) Google
c) Microsoft
d) Honeywell
✅ डाउनलोड करें: Indian Railway Question Bank in Hindi PDF
Indian Railway Stores Question Bank with Answers
For candidates appearing in Railway Stores Department Exams, we provide a specialized Indian Railway Stores Question Bank with Answers covering:
Inventory Management
Procurement Process
Railway Material Classification
Supply Chain & Logistics in Railways
Download Indian Railway Stores Question Bank PDF Click Here
Tips to Prepare for Indian Railway Exams
Follow the latest syllabus issued by RRB.
Practice previous year’s question papers.
Attempt mock tests regularly.
Revise important concepts daily.
Use authentic study material & question banks.
Having a well-structured Indian Railway Question Bank with Answers PDF is essential for success in RRB exams. Download the PDFs in English & Hindi, practice daily, and stay updated with the latest exam patterns.
For more Indian Railway exam preparation tips & study materials, keep visiting our website!